Witchcraft '70 è un EP celebrativo per Halloween del collettivo di Hauntronica inglese, originario di Lake District, The Heartwood Institute del 2016 composto da tre inquietanti brani, trattanti i macabri temi classici della stregoneria, tutti dotati di un'eccezionale aurea sinistra a base synth fatta di suoni elettronici, ispirati al lavoro di Alan Howarth e John Carpenter per Halloween III.
Witchcraft ’70 is a Halloween commemorative EP by the English collective Hauntronica, originally from Lake District, 2016’s The Heartwood Institute composed of three unsettling tracks, dealing with the grim classic themes of witchcraft, all equipped with an exceptional synth-based sinister aura made of electronic sounds, inspired by the work of Alan Howarth and John Carpenter for Halloween III.
Witchcraft ’70 is a Halloween commemorative EP by the English collective Hauntronica, originally from Lake District, 2016’s The Heartwood Institute composed of three unsettling tracks, dealing with the grim classic themes of witchcraft, all equipped with an exceptional synth-based sinister aura made of electronic sounds, inspired by the work of Alan Howarth and John Carpenter for Halloween III.
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